GS1 Data Source Healthcare

One source for product data for all

Through GS1 Data Source, manufacturers and wholesalers easily share product information with their customers (healthcare providers).

International standard GDSN

GS1 Data Source is a certified data pool in the Netherlands, connected to the international Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN), the data exchange standard of GS1. Suppliers can load product information into a data pool within the GDSN network, while recipients can process the same product information in internal systems with an automatic link. GDSN works with standardised data. All information is entered, stored and shared with customers in the same way.

Share data

As a supplier, you decide who you share data with. Provide all your customers worldwide with article data, for various purposes, with one click of a button.

Data quality is of great importance

Suppliers of medical devices, hospitals - everyone - wants to be able to rely on product information. The challenge is to get and keep the product information in the GDSN data pool up to scratch. That's what the data quality program is all about.

Comply with legislation

Making customers happy with valuable information.
Sharing data for optimal logistic processes and cost savings.

Who is working with GS1 Data Source / GDSN?

In the Netherlands almost all hospitals, some clinics and many Dutch suppliers of medical devices are connected to GS1 Data Source. Foreign medical device suppliers use GDSN, so this product data can also be received via GS1 Data Source. Check here who they are, what sector they are active in and what their GLN is.

Internationally, product data can be exchanged via GDSN with the following countries using one data model: The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland.

GS1 Data Source is also used for various legislations and quality registers: National Implant Register (LIR), National Register Orthopaedic Implants (LROI), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Database, National Health Service (NHS) Database, Netherlands Heart Registration (NHR). A connection between GS1 Data Source and the European MDR/IVDR EUDAMED database is being developed.

Getting started

To get started with GS1 Data Source, we have put all the necessary information in the knowledge base. About the data model, entering and capturing product data.

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