Dutch Implant Registry (LIR)

For manufacturers

If there are problems with an implant, the carriers must be able to be found quickly. Therefore, it is a legal requirement for healthcare providers to register implants in the Dutch Implant Registry (LIR). This is Dutch legislation since 2019. 

Healthcare providers can comply with the legislation if implantable medical devices that are on the inclusion list are provided with a uniform identification code (Unique Device Identification, abbreviated to UDI) and the corresponding data from GDSN is made available to healthcare institutions and the Dutch Implant Registry.

What to do?

GS1 can help you create the uniform identification code (UDI) and the use of GDSN (Dutch GDSN data pool GS1 Data Source) to share implant data in an unambiguous and reliable way.


Unique Device Identification (UDI)

The UDI must appear in text form and as a symbol on the implant or its packaging.


Sharing data via GDSN with the Dutch Implant Registry (LIR)

Suppliers can supply article data to the LIR via GDSN, such as: article code, product name and classifications. To publish data, you need the Global Location Number (GLN) of the Dutch Implant Registry: 8718734080008.
(To publish data you can use the Dutch GDSN datapool GS1 Data Source)


Data sharing via GDSN with healthcare providers

Suppliers can supply article data to healthcare providers via GDSN, such as: article code, product name and classifications. Here you can find all connected healthcare organisations on GS1 Data Source. Check the GLN overview to see what the GLN of the healthcare institution is for publishing data to the healthcare institution in question.